Monday, May 17, 2010

xFruits - 21st Century Green Tech. - 7 new items

Make your own rain barrel at the Alberta Art Hop in Northeast Portland  

2010-05-14 20:54

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

The Alberta Art Hop will offer other sustainability-related projects through the day, from composting to bike repair.`

Blue Sky, other green energy programs get high participation rates in...  

2010-05-14 09:51

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Climate Change

Fifty-eight percent of Pacific Power's energy comes from burning coal, 20 percent from natural gas, 10 percent from hydroelectric, 7 percent from market purchases and 5 percent from renewables.

Portland State University offers second annual forum: 'Understanding...  

2010-05-10 16:15

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

The forum is free and open to the public.

Corraling chemicals from baby's bed a potent imperative  

2010-05-07 09:24

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

My daughter slept in it for several months nightly next to our bed. Our second daughter probably spent six months in it. I remember the sinking feeling when in 2007 Friends of the Earth announced that my crib mattress had tested for high levels of PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), a fire retardant linked to increased risk for cancer, birth defects, neurological and reproductive dysfunction, and learning disabilities. Had my children slept in it only occasionally I wouldn't have worried, but they had rolled around in PBDEs for months.

Free vermicomposting lessons at Gresham's Bright Neighbor farm  

2010-05-06 15:55

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Climate Change

Bright Neighbor is a Portland-based online social networking tool that aims to build a community that cares about sustainability and kicking the nation's addiction to oil. Founder Randy White is all about neighbors knowing each other so they can share resources, whether it's car rides or gardening tools, and knowledge, whether it's how to repair jeans or build a rain catchment system.

How to send Portland kids to eco-camps for summer sustainable fun  

2010-05-05 08:15

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

Eco-conscious kids can learn how to make filmmakers.

Cleaner air, quieter streets in downtown Portland, after idling...  

2010-05-04 19:27

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Climate Change

Patrice Demmon doesn't mind the regular traffic that drives along Salmon. That's just part of city living. But excessive and chronic idling is an especially effective way to dirty the air. An idling vehicle emits 20 times more pollution than one traveling 32 miles per hour, according to the Oregon Environmental Council.

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