Monday, May 24, 2010

xFruits - 21st Century Green Tech. - 1 new item

Climate Change Research Gets Its Own Supercomputer  

2010-05-24 19:23


Some of the world's most powerful supercomputers have been working on climate change research and solutions, but their time is split among many of the globe's major issues.  That is changing now that one supercomputer is dedicated solely to running algorithms and calculations in the name of climate change.

Computer-maker Cray has just been awarded $47 million from the DOE to build supercomputers that will be used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  The first computer will be a Cray model XT6 called the Climate Modeling and Research System and will be in the lab's hands by the end of the year.

Cray will supply the lab with another, more powerful computer in 2011 called "Baker" and more high-performance computing gear in 2012.  With the budget assigned to this project, the computers will easily have a speed of a petraflop or greater.

via Earth2Tech



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