Sunday, April 25, 2010

xFruits - 21st Century Green Tech. - 4 new items

Composting begins in earnest at Portland Farmers Market at Portland...  

2010-04-23 08:24

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Earth Day

The market wants to retrain people to properly dispose of the bags, boxes, cups, forks, spoons and other packaging they collect as they sip espresso and eat their way past local farmers peddling freshly picked chard and radishes. All that garbage adds up. The PSU site generates roughly 13 tons of garbage over a season of Saturdays. And until now, very little of it was composted or recycled: just 2 percent in 2008.

Incentives help with new ecoroofs in Portland  

2010-04-22 08:33

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Climate Change

The incentive will pay up to $5 a square foot for new ecoroof projects in the city. Residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use projects are all eligible to apply.

Kombucha easy to make in your own pantry; classes at the Portland...  

2010-04-21 08:56

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

It's not so hard to make your own kombucha. Brew it in a pantry in a half-gallon glass jar with a cloth napkin rubberbanded over the opening. It smells slightly vinegary and looks decidedly disgusting.

With tips, kids can encourage their parents to go green  

2010-04-19 13:56

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Climate Change

Ten tips from GreenMyParents for kids on how to save the family money and the planet in honor of Earth Day.

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