Sunday, March 28, 2010

xFruits - 21st Century Green Tech - 1 new item

Earth2Tech Week In Review  

2010-03-27 16:00

Katie Fehrenbacher - Misc

Green:Net Launchpad 10 Winners: We’re excited to announce the 10 winners of this year’s Green:Net 2010 launchpad. In addition to our list of speakers, which includes California Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown and investor Vinod Khosla, the LaunchPad will feature these 10 companies announcing themselves (outta stealth) or announcing new products.

CHEAT SHEET: Green Car Loan Winners & Losers: Which companies have won and lost in the battle for the Advanced Technology Vehicle loans? And what do all the winners have that the losers don’t? Check out our handy dandy cheat sheet.

Video Interview with Ener1 CEO: Ener1 CEO Charles Gassenheimer chats with us about raising money for a lithium battery business, how China is a game-changer and how not to count Ener1 out in future deals with electric car maker Fisker.

10 Things Outta the Smart Grid World of DistribuTECH: DistribuTECH, the once-sleepy power grid trade show, has been transformed into a high-profile smart grid showcase over the past couple of years — and this year's show in Tampa, Fla. was no exception. Here's 10 things you should pay attention to coming outta DistribuTECH:

Smart Grid Data: Too Much For Privacy, Not Enough For Innovation?: When it comes to smart grid data, how much is enough — and how much is too much? That question could pit the IT industry's hopes to use smart grid data to help people save energy — and make money — against customer privacy and data security advocates worried that the same data could be abused by everyone from criminals to the government. Utilities, regulators and consumers could well be caught in the middle of that argument.


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