Sunday, January 17, 2010

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 7 new items

OK, bring on the worms  

2010-01-17 15:09

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - EarthTalk

A Portland eco-entrepreneur wants to sell shares in a vermicomposting (read: worms) project that would amend and enhance soils.

Flushing pharmaceuticals down the toilet? Toss them in the garbage --...  

2010-01-15 01:22

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Living Top Stories

The author finds her longtime habit of flushing away out-of-date prescriptions is hardly out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Instead the drugs pollute rivers by passing through sewage treatment plants.

Finally, no mouse in the composter!  

2010-01-14 04:25

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

After the trial of seeing one a while back, Carrie Sturrock discovers her composter is free of rodents -- but not problems.

Portland Farmers Market's record attendance a highlight of 2009  

2010-01-09 15:00

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

More than 620,000 people shopped at the five area markets last year -- a 16 percent increase from the year before -- and spent $6 million.

Portland conference focuses on green jobs  

2010-01-10 15:00

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

A one-day conference focuses on green employment and green industry.

Grandparents' practice of '3 R's' holds lessons for us today  

2010-01-08 05:00

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

As a girl, I started to notice my grandmothers' tendencies to save everything, and I found them exasperating. My thinking went something like: "We have plenty. No need to act as if we don't." But now I'm becoming them.

Momentarily derailed by a mouse in the composting bin  

2010-01-07 23:12

Carrie Sturrock, Special to The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

Closely follow some simple rules for composting and the odds of things going wrong -- like rodents -- greatly decreases.

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