Tuesday, March 17, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 2 new items

Software for Solar: Fat Spaniel to Monitor Denver Solar System  

2009-03-17 23:50

Katie Fehrenbacher - Energy

Solar is a tricky source of energy — anything from shade to tilt to dirt can affect the amount of electricity produced by the panels. That’s why large solar installations are getting hooked up with monitoring systems to oversee and optimize the output. Tomorrow, at the opening ceremonies for the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, solar monitoring startup FatSpaniel

Fat Spaniel’s monitoring system is supposed to ensure that the convention’s panels produce at their maximum output at all times, and generates real-time feedback to help the building manager monitor the system. MMA Renewable Ventures, which recently sold some of its assets to Spanish solar power developer Fotowatio for $19.7 million, owns and operates the system. Visitors can also see the panel’s output at a kiosk running Fat Spaniel’s software, too. In case you’re not going to Denver anytime soon, this is what the monitoring system will look like:



SF Mayor Gavin Newsom to Kick Off Green:Net  

2009-03-17 21:45

Katie Fehrenbacher - Misc

gavinnewsomheadshotsmallGavin Newsom, the mayor who’s pushing San Francisco to be one of the greenest cities in the U.S., will be giving the opening remarks at our upcoming Green:Net conference on March 24 in San Francisco. Yep, the man that could be California’s next governor (OK, it’s exploratory, but still), will be launching the first green conference for the Internet industry that will be highlighting how information technology can be used to fight climate change. We are very excited to host the Mayor and hear his thoughts on how San Francisco — a crucial locale for the birth of computing, the Internet and now the cleantech industry — will be at the forefront of using IT to promote energy efficiency.


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