Tuesday, March 3, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

Do you live in one of the most polluted U.S. states or cities?  

2009-03-03 20:56

jchait - Home & Garden

Where you live is as important as your green home. Obviously a green home is important, but it can only go so far; there are better and worse places to set up camp.

First the states… How can you find out how polluted your state is? Many places compile info like this, but if you want to get picky, it’ll take a little searching.

Overall pollution: For a broad look at pollution in your area, check out the following sites…

Air quality: You can check The AirData Web site for access to air pollution data for the entire United States. You can learn about the highest ozone level measured in your state last year, where air pollution monitoring sites are located, sources of air pollution in your town, and more. If you’re looking for indoor air quality check out this EPA site.

Water quality: The USDA has a massive water quality page; good for an overall view of water where you live. If you want fast specifics on water safety in your local area read this post; Earth Friendly Beverages for more info.

If you’re moving at some point, and where is somewhat up to you, AND you’d like to make a smarter, greener choice about where you live read Choose A Green Community.

How much do you know about pollution in your local area?


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