Thursday, March 26, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

On-the-go green gear you need  

2009-03-27 04:02

jchait - Home & Garden

Yesterday we started to look at how you can keep it green outside the home front. So far we checked out green consumer know-how, and today we’ll look at some must have on-the-go green gear.

When you leave your house it’s good to be stocked up on all the green gear you’ll need when you’re out and about. Here are some ideas…

Reusable bags - it’s silly to use paper and plastic store bags when you can take your own. A good set of reusable bags for a large family can cost as little as $40 - less if you’re willing to settle. Keep in mind though, the better the bags the longer they last. You’ll have to re-buy less frequently and that means a smaller footprint. I have some recycled cotton reusable bags that are super nice - and didn’t cost much.

Other reusable baggies: Besides reusable grocery bags you can also invest in some reusable produce bags and snack bags for kids on the go. Good options are:

Reusable water bottles: Each family member should have their own reusable water bottle. Water bottles are sort of a long topic though. There are some that are made safer than others, some that can be recycled and some that can’t, and some that leak or don’t. To get an idea about good water bottle choices read the following:

Reusable coffee mug: If you like to stop for coffee or tea, make sure you’ve got at least two reusable coffee mugs in your car. Two is smart because you can switch out as each one needs washed.

Above are the most basic green items you need when you’re on-the-go. Of course if you own a laptop, have a baby, or carry work stuff around you can focus on keeping gear for these activities green too. For example, choose organic cotton laptop bags over conventional and so fourth.

What other green essentials can you think of for on-the-go ease?


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