Tuesday, March 24, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

Green:Net Kicks Off Today!  

2009-03-24 07:00

Katie Fehrenbacher - Startups

We are very excited to let everyone know that Green:Net, the first green conference for the Internet industry, kicks off today! If you aren’t one of the registered attendees of our sold-out conference, there are still a variety of ways you can get the news:

Live Blog: Check back to this site to see live coverage of the talks and panels, from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s opening remarks, to Bob Metcalfe’s thoughts on lessons learned from the Internet for energy infrastructure, to the Green:Net launchpad companies pitches at the end of the day.

Twitter: Follow out twitter feed here.

Facebook: Here’s our Facebook page, and we’ll be updating it with info and news throughout the day.

Flickr: If you want to see our smiling faces, check out our Flickr photos, and search with #greennet.

WattzOn Energy Consumption: If you’re attending the event and want to know the energy consumption of all the “stuff” you used, go to this site that WattzOn created, which lists all of the supplies and the energy needed to produce it.


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