Wednesday, March 25, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

Green:Net Launch Pad  

2009-03-25 01:30

Josie Garthwaite

wattbotThe winner of the LaunchPad event was Wattbot while the audience liked FarmsReach. For details on each presenter, see below:

Visible Energy: The company unveiled its first product today, the UFO Powerstrip Launch: It has an iPhone interface and provides real-time feedback on energy use. You can use your iPhone to turn devices on and off, or automate shutdowns with timers. Pilot project planned for the spring, with production of the UFO powerstrip slated to begin in summer. Score: 20

Packet Power: All electrical devices have a power cable and Packet Power’s power cables “look and act like a memory stick,” to provide real-time data on power consumption, says president and founder Paul Bieganski. Monitor power usage without any power infrastructure. Score: 20

Farms Reach: Software as a Service product that allows farmers to create an online stall, and then connect them with local buyers. It also tells the farmer when to grow what, and who to sell to. The big problem: Judges asked, can an institution that requires food on a timely basis count on this system? If the answer is yes, then it’s a very interesting product. If the answer is no, then Farms Reach may never get penetration. Score: 19

dot UI: Judges and audience alike were unclear what this product was really about. But it appears to be a user interface platform for energy management. Score: 11

GreenWizard: Online marketplace and workflow solution for green building — it analyzes products based on multiple attributes, ranking them to help builders get the most LEED certification points for every dollar spent. Expects to have $69 million in operating revenue by year five and wants to raise $4.5 million in a Series A round. Score: 17

Adaptive Meter: Makes a game to play at saving and conserving energy called Lost Joules to educate poeple about energy conservation. Players can get virtual rewards and earn points for making better energy conservation choices in the game, but judges asked, “Where’s the business model and where’s the data coming from?” Score: 9

Wattbot: Free web-based service that shows people how to determine how much energy they use. Consumers input information about their home and lifestyles to get recommendations for the best products and services that will save energy and money. Providers of the products and services buy the leads generated by consumers seeing the recommendations on the site.  Score: 20

One Did It: This Finnish company provides an environmental impact calculator and then offers tips to reduce your impact. It also allows users to team up and compete with friends. To make money it sells targeted advertising based on the user data and could create sponsor-supported challenges.  It sounds a lot like Carbonrally  Score:9

The Almanac: Creates a consumption log based on your credit card spending and utility bills, and then calculates your carbon footprint from this and other data. The consumption log also suggests changes in consumption patterns that could reduce their carbon footprint. Advertisers can sponsor such recommendations. Score: 11

BLDG 2.0: Buildings produce a lot of carbon and waste a lot of energy, but no one knows how much energy building use, so BLDG 2.0 hopes to provide an open source platform for collecting building performance data, and creating standards for building data performance so the industry can compare buildings. The company hopes to build a consulting business around the platform. Score: 14


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