Sunday, March 8, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 2 new items

Constant upgrades take the sheen off "green" computers  

2009-03-08 15:02

Shelby Wood, The Oregonian - Eat Your Greens

APThe MacBook Pro Will Villota, a Portlander who blogs on sustainable technology at, posed an interesting argument recently about Apple's claim to have produced the world's greenest family of notebooks. I've been meaning to link to it here for...

Waterspeak for the little people (or, explaining conservation to the...  

2009-03-07 16:02

Shelby Wood, The Oregonian

The Omamas, the Oregonian's parenting bloggers, kick off the weekend with a post about how to teach the kids about water conservation. There's also info about World Water Day, which hits Portland for the first time on March 22. Keep...

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