Monday, February 16, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 6 new items

Tesla Model S Four-Door Sedan Likely in 2011  

2009-02-16 17:17

khallgeisler - Bikes & Cars

Tesla Recharging

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk blogged last week about the latest member of his electric vehicle family: the Tesla Model S, a four-door sedan. The company has its collective fingers crossed that the U.S. Department of Energy will approve its $350 million loan to work on the new family-friendly car; if it all works out, production could begin in 2011.

Musk had a slew of good news to report, in addition to the high hopes he has for the Model S:

  • The faster, performance-tuned Roadster Sport will be available in June 2009
  • Two new sales and service locations will open in Chicago and London, with more in the pipeline
  • The company is expected to turn a profit by mid-year (but who knows how many high-level personnel changes there’ll be in the meantime)
  • He reiterated that Tesla has partnered with Daimler to supply the batteries and chargers for the electric Smart car

8 Ways to Green Your Home Closets  

2009-02-15 03:00

jchait - Home & Garden

Closets are sometimes overlooked, but you can actually score major eco-points using smart green closet ethics.

Some ideas for a greener closet…

  1. Ditch toxic moth balls (who likes these anyhow?) instead use airtight plastic bins to store clothing and keep it safe. The plastic is not so eco-friendly, but so long as you use it to death, it’s a better deal than moth balls. You can also try a cedar chest; although the lids aren’t quite so good.
  2. Buy organic, hemp, and other natural, non-toxic clothing items.
  3. Go vegan with your shoes.
  4. For a nice closet scent try cedar blocks or lavender bags.
  5. Buy thrift store or other used clothing or hold a clothing swap with pals.
  6. Read Big Green Purse to learn handy tips about making your clothing last longer (and lots more green goodies).
  7. Buy decent closet organizers. You can purchase cheap plastic and cloth organizers and racks, but, in the long run, investing in a quality, long-lasting closet organizer is the greener choice.
  8. Use eco-hangers.

Can you think of any other ways to green your closets?


Love the Earth this Valentine's Day - 15 Easy Green Living Ideas  

2009-02-14 23:53

jchait - Home & Garden

It’s all good and fine to give organic flowers and Fair Trade chocolates, but if you really want to make an impact, choose some green minded goals this Valentine’s Day and follow through.

Here are 20 EASY green ideas you can commit to that will make the earth happy this Valentine’s Day…

  1. Have sweeter, less toxic dreams by choosing organic beds and bedding.
  2. Create a dedicated home recycling area.
  3. Salt Your Oven
  4. Take a three minute quiz to save water and support a great cause.
  5. Learn to enjoy earthworms.
  6. Quit cleaning with bleach already!
  7. Before you next go shopping ask yourself some green shopping questions.
  8. Choose earth friendly beverages.
  9. Green your toilet paper.
  10. If it’s time for a new phone, recycle your old cell phone.
  11. No yard space? Get a cool Urban Kitchen Compost Bin.
  12. Cancel all that junk mail.
  13. Get your kiddos involved with all of the above green ideas.
  14. Wash Less Laundry.
  15. Boil some cinnamon - ummm, spicy house.

Do you have any green plans this Valentine’s Day?


Where to Stash Your Plastic Grocery Bags  

2009-02-14 02:00

jchait - Home & Garden

Hopefully you’re using reusable grocery bags when you’re out shopping. Reusable bags are far more eco-friendly than plastic toss-away bags. However, if you’re not using cloth bags, the least you can do is reuse those plastic bags you bring home.

One thing that makes reusing plastic bags easier is having a smart storage area for them, then you won’t be tossing them in the trash. Some ideas…

upright bag holder

Stainless Steel Grocery Bag Holder

Hold-A-Bag Grocery Bag Holder

Don’t forget, after you’ve used your plastic bags to the extreme, make sure you recycle them.


Homemade Organic Fragrant Room Spray  

2009-02-13 20:44

jchait - Home & Garden

Homemade organic fragrant room spray is a great alternative to chemical laden (and sometimes costly) conventional air fresheners. If you don’t normally keep essential oils around, the start up costs of making homemade air freshener can seem more expensive than buying a ready made bottle, BUT keep in mind that one little bottle of essential oil will last forever and goes a really long way.

Here are two easy recipes you can make at home:

Organic grapefruit lavender room spray

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup vodka. Vodka helps to freshen and preserves the spray, but in a pinch, it’s not necessary. Your house will smell clean even without the alcohol.
  • Organic pure essential oil - about 15-20 drops of lavender and 12-15 drops of grapefruit
  • One empty refillable spray bottle

Mix all your ingredients in the spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray around your house.

Organic clove, orange, and cinnamon room spray

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup vodka.
  • Organic pure essential oil - about 10 drops of clove, 15-20 drops of orange, and 12 drops of cinnamon.
  • One empty refillable spray bottle

Mix all your ingredients in the spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray around your house.

If the scent in either of the above is too strong or too weak you can adjust the essential oil content to suit your needs. Some people (me) like a lot of scent, but if you’re scent sensitive, less essential oil may be needed. Also, I’d be careful spraying this near fabrics. This is a safe home air freshener without chemicals and toxins, but it might oil-stain fabrics if you spray too much.

For another option read: Green Product Review: CVS/pharmacy Earth Essentials Aromatic Room Mists


Are Microwaves Eco-friendly?  

2009-02-11 16:26

jchait - Home & Garden

Microwaves can be eco-friendly; if you use them properly.


  • Cook faster than the oven or stove (in most cases). Thus saves energy.
  • Uses less energy overall than an oven or stove (if you’re cooking for the same amount of time).
  • Microwaves are recyclable.
  • Microwaves are not emitting toxic heat waves into your kitchen and home. Although, in the past, microwaves have been followed around by rumors of radiation attacks, this is no longer an issue. The FDA currently continually runs tests on microwave brands and also notes that as of right now, none on the market are a problem. I do always like a little grain of salt with my FDA, but overall new microwaves are safe. (see below).


  • If you microwave plastic containers bad chemicals can be released into your kitchen. You can avoid this by using good eco-friendly food containers vs. plastic.
  • Can zap nutrients if you cook food too long. This is not exactly an eco-problem, but if you pay for organic veggies, why zap them to death? Make sure you cook for short time periods.
  • Most people leave their microwaves plugged in because of the handy clock. Unplug your microwave when its not in use for maximum energy savings.
  • Older microwaves can be a hazard. Not only have older models been shown to leak radiation, but they’re not as energy efficient as newer models. It’s not worth the $5 you’ll save to buy an old one - just go new.

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