Wednesday, February 25, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

How To Choose Greener Body Products  

2009-02-24 21:57

jchait - Home & Garden

When considering how to green your home, it pays to check out your bathroom habits. Body care products can cramp your green style in a major way, such as…

  • Many cosmetics and body care items are tested on animals.
  • Many of these products are over-packaged and often their packaging can’t even be properly recycled.
  • Most contain chemicals, artificial colors, weird fragrances, and more that you don’t need on your body or let out into our water supply.
  • Many antiperspirants contain aluminum salts; which yes makes them work (they clog your pores - thus blocking icky smells) but they’ve also been linked to health problems like Alzheimer’s.

To green up your beauty & body care routine try the following…

Try bulk: Many co-ops and natural food stores offer bulk body care like  natural and organic shampoo, lotions, and body wash. You can pick up some refillable bottles and refill them rather than purchasing new.

Buy recyclable: If you do buy new products (vs. bulk) buy products that come in recycled or recyclable containers. Look for the least packaging possible - i.e. not soap wrapped in plastic then a box. When it comes to bottles buy the largest size possible.

Buy less: Buy only products you truly love and use up. It’s silly to try all sorts of new products when you have faves that work well.

Use less: You don’t need to shampoo each day. You might be able to use less lotion with the same effect. Try it out.

Buy organic: Or at the very least, buy beauty and body care products that are natural, free of preservatives, free of chemicals, not tested on animals, and so on.

Score check: You can quickly find our how your favorite products rate at Skin Deep. Skin Deep rates everything from sunscreen to baby shampoo - giving scores based on toxicity levels, animal testing, and more.


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