Tuesday, January 27, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 3 new items

Daily Sprout  

2009-01-27 18:00

Josie Garthwaite - Misc

Clean Car Subsidies Come to China: China’s central government plans to subsidize purchases of electric, hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles for public fleets in 13 cities. — Reuters

Say It Isn’t So: A new study finds greenhouse gas levels expected by mid-century will produce 1,000 years of Dust Bowl-like droughts and sea level rise — even if carbon dioxide emissions drop in the future. — Washington Post

The Other EPA Lisa: Georgetown law professor Lisa Heinzerling, who has criticized the government’s use of cost-benefit analysis in crafting public-health and environmental regulations, will advise EPA chief Lisa Jackson on climate change issues. — TNR’s The Vine

Teeny Tiny BugE: Blue Sky Designs has come up with a 350-pound electric vehicle (technically it’s a motorcycle) that “falls handily between the bicycle and the Buick.” It can go up to 50 mph and 30 miles per charge. — Wired’s Autopia

All Minds on Deck: A former EPA administrator, two law professors, an economist, a clean air advocate and a Cato Institute fellow talk about President Barack Obama backing California’s request to tighten auto emission and fuel efficiency standards. — NYT’s Room for Debate


Chevy Volt Becomes "Opel Ampera" for European Market  

2009-01-27 17:00

Josie Garthwaite - Automotive

opel-ampera1“Opel Ampera.” That’s what GM’s German subsidiary, Opel, has named the European version of the Chevy Volt. Using the same electric propulsion system that appears in the Volt, Opel — which just a few months ago SolarWorld was speculated to want to buy and turn into a hybrid and electric vehicle powerhouse — plans to debut the Ampera in production form at the Geneva Motor Show in March. Today the company revealed the new name and a teaser photo (above) of the extended-range electric car, which in this light, at least, looks a bit like a Darth Vader version of the Volt (below). Like its U.S. forerunner, the Ampera will have an all-electric range of about 40 miles before a small gas-powered engine kicks in. chevy-volt


Better Place Raises Financing for Denmark Electric Car Project  

2009-01-27 15:44

David Ehrlich - Automotive

The proliferation of electric cars and convenient places to charge them took another step toward becoming reality in Denmark today, with the announcement that startup Better Place and Danish partner DONG Energy have closed €103 million ($135.8 million) in financing for an electric car-charging network in the country.

The two companies originally signed a deal to work together last March. With this funding in place, which comes from Better Place and state-controlled DONG in the form of equity and convertible debt, the two partners plan to have a demonstration center set up in Denmark this year — in time to show off the technology at the UN climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December. betterplacedenmarkfunds1

The electric cars will come from the Renault-Nissan Alliance, with Better Place and DONG still aiming for the charging network to be fully functional by mid-2011.

The amount of funding that each company put up for this project was not disclosed, but Martin Wiinholt, a spokesman for Better Place, told us via email that the funding from Better Place comes from new money raised, and not from its existing funding.

In a press conference in Denmark, Shai Agassi, founder and CEO of Better Place, said, “This shows you that, even in these tough times, good ideas, good companies, can get funded, can bring in new ideas into the market.”

Better Place previously raised $200 million from investors including Israel Corp., Morgan Stanley, the Ofer Group, and VantagePoint Venture Partners.


Yesterday, car-charging startup Coulomb Technologies, based in Campbell, Calif., said it had raised $3.8 million in its first round of financing, potentially giving it the cash it needs to start marketing its charging systems in Europe. But is there any chance for smaller startups to compete against Better Place?

In fact, Agassi said he’s pushing for an open network in all the countries in which Better Place is working, asking the governments to require car-charging companies to use international standards for the plugs — and to require every network to be accessible for roaming from one network to the other.

“There is such a big market, that even if we have less than a maximum percent by protectionism, we will still be a profitable company,” he said.

More cash for the Denmark project is still needed, however. Agassi says Better Place and DONG will need an additional €35 million or so, but that not all of it is needed right now. And of course it needs funds for all of the other announced networks across the globe.

Images courtesy of Better Place Top image: Anders Eldrup, CEO and President, DONG Energy and Shai Agassi, Founder and CEO, Better Place. Bottom image: Jens Moberg, Chief Executive Officer, Better Place Denmark

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