Saturday, January 24, 2009

xFruits - 21st Century Regenerative Technology - 1 new item

Your Successful Green Home Trash Audit - Tips for Success  

2009-01-24 21:18

jchait - Home & Garden

If you want to have a successful green home trash audit, here are some useful tips…

Get a smaller garbage can - preferably on that’s good looking. I don’t know what it is about aesthetics but pretty stuff can help to convince you to be more careful. A smaller can leaves little room for trash which encourages you to put that trash elsewhere (i.e. recycle).

Keep recycling bins nearby - not all recycling bins are ugly. Some are very nice, nice enough for use out in the open in your kitchen. If you hide your bins far away in the garage or on the porch, people will be less likely to use them.

Hang signs - sometimes visual reminders are very useful. Hang little signs by the garbage bin that say things like “No aluminum and paper!” If you have kids who can’t read use visuals like a can with an X over it.

Check with your local recycling company before starting your trash audit - it helps to know which categories you should be sorting your recyclable into. Some cities are picky, some don’t care, know your city’s rules.

Work on slimming down what comes into your house - stopping stuff before it comes in means less sorting of trash and recyclables overall. For example, stop your junk mail, buy fewer prepackaged foods, and only buy what you need.

Buy greener garbage bags - if you’re greening your trash you may as well go all the way.

Later some attractive garbage cans, compost bins, and recycling bins to consider.

Are you considering a green trash audit?


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